\ Rusty Python fun — Martin Durant

Martin Durant

Rusty Python fun

written by Martin Durant on 2019-01-05

Summary: Rust can be successfully called from python, but requires a little finesse for arrays. Since Rust has UTF8 strings as first-class citizens, and a host of methods on them in its standard library, I thought it might be the best way to accelerate processing an array/column of strings, a very frequent bottle-neck in python data-science. I did not find the acceleration I was expecting, but this is probably down to my inexperience with Rust (help appreciated!).


I spent some months in late 2018 teaching myself Rust, from the official tutorial and excercism. For those that don't know, Rust is a relatively new language with low-level (C-like) performance, but nice functional and iterator semantics, as well as strict rules for memory ownership to prevent those all-too-common segfaults. Yes, I know you can do UTF8 processing in C/C++ too...

This small effort is also influenced by the attempt of fletcher to do array-string operations by compiling with numba - which suffers from having to re-implement bytes-wise algorithms to simulate string operations, and has no UTF8 handling at all.

I started by adapting code from this earlier example, which shows how to call a Rust-compiled function from cython. My version performs the one operation, upper, on a single string or on an array of strings.

Basic instructions for running the example:

$ ./make

and the simplest function (note that inputs and outputs here are unicode - this is running on py3)

>>> import cytest

>>> cytest.call_rust_upper('hello')

This example is obviously not very useful, as we are creating a python object, and the round-trip is about 6x slower than 'hello'.upper(), but I wanted to demonstrate the capability.

Build details

How it was done may be generally useful to others. Feel free to skip this section!

The Rust part is standard, with the following function (note the C semantics)

pub extern "C" fn my_upper(b: *const i8) -> *const u8 {
    let s = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(b) };

which takes a pointer, assumes it is a valid UTF8 string, calls upper on it and returns a (C) pointer to the result. Note that creating a local variable from a passed pointer is always unsafe, but this is the only thing we can do unless we actually allocate and assign strings or vectors of strings within Rust.

The cargo stub is straight-forward:

name = "rustcython_string"
crate-type = ["dylib"]

On the cython side, we only need declare the function as external, but if we want to work with the python object, we need to both be able to get a pointer to the string out, and construct a new instance with the result from Rust. This looks like:


from cpython cimport PyUnicode_AsUTF8String, PyUnicode_InternFromString

cdef extern:
    char *my_upper(char *b)

def call_rust_upper(unicode s):
    cdef unicode out
    return PyUnicode_InternFromString(my_upper(PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(s)))

To build it, you simply declare the dependent library

ext = Extension(

... and make

cargo build --release
python setup.py build_ext --inplace

As noted, cytest.call_rust_upper works, but is slow compared to the builtin method, which is perhaps not too surprising, as we are not skipping object instantiation, but we are adding external call cruft.


The goal here is to be fast by passing in an array of raw (UTF8) bytes and taking out bytes. I used awkward array to wrap the array of strings. awkward-array is designed for iterating into nested schema without creating python instances within a numba-jit function - well worth looking into for the curious. Here, though, it is just a convenience, making a bytes-type array from string data with offset start and end arrays, rather like Arrow layout of variable-length bytes data.

The function do_carray_upper in the source iterates over the offsets and uses cython to make pointers to pass to Rust. Data is assigned back out into another identical array using casting, and the whole loop shows no yellow in the cython annotation, i.e., no python calls at all. The function, to my surprise, works!



>>> awkward.StringArray.fromiter(['hello', 'oi']*1000000)
>>> cytest.array_upper(arr)
<StringArray ['HELLO' 'OI' 'HELLO' ... 'OI' 'HELLO' 'OI']>
>>> %timeit cytest.array_upper(arr)
135 ms

compares to the cost for doing this in python of (75ns per .upper()) * 200000strings = 150ms. To actually run the list comprehension takes longer to account for building the list; but pandas takes even longer:

>>> a = ['hello', 'oi']*1000000
>>> %timeit [s.upper() for s in a]
259 ms
>>> s = pandas.Series(a)
>>> %timeit s.str.upper()
488 ms


I made Rust do something from python! I am hoping someone can tell me how I should have done this. All the material is available on github, so a PR would be perfect.

Maybe Rust is useful here, maybe not. For really solving the array-of-string processing bottleneck, I now think the best solution will come from the addition of strings to numba, which has now begun. I strongly prefer this to writing kernels in C-land, I really want to do my development in python if I can. If awkward-array were to become the way to compile arbitrary python functions to process lists-of-strings in a parquet column, for example, all the better.